About Us

ZDOG Coffee Company was founded to help people find fresh coffee, and solve an age-old problem with roasting companies.

What's the problem you ask? Most coffee sits around on the shelf for weeks or even months before it's purchased. This delay has a detrimental effect on the beans, and if they are ground, it's even worse. We're firm believers that most people have never tried truly fresh coffee!

What's our secret? It's simple, we roast each order individually, to order - meaning you get the freshest coffee possible, every time!

We've sourced the best coffee the world has to offer and deliver the freshest roasts you've ever tasted, right to your door. Just select your coffee beans; we'll roast them, grind them to your specification, and ship them directly to you in a few days.

Each Coffee bag is a unique Zombie Dog collectable with their own unique flavors.


CEO - Arnold 

Contact - tecnollo54@gmail.com